Sanctuary of Persephone

Orphic Hymn's

Hellenic Polytheism
Hymn's to Persephone
Other Gods I Follow
Orphic Hymn's
Hesiod & Homer

To Athena
Only Begotten Daughter of Mnemosyne,
Blessed and fierce, explorer of the caverns,
Oh warlike Pallas, Spirit and Form,
Magnanimous and Famed, the rocky height and cool grove sand shady mountains are Thy joy,
In strength of arms and with the wild Furies, the souls of mortals Thou inspires,
Agile Virgin, All-Wise, Unmarried,
Blessed and Kind, Mother of Arts, Impetuous,
Let Thy wrath descend upon the wicked, and grant Thy wisdom to the good,
The arts of strategy are Thine, Zealous Dragon, Mistress of Forms,
Destroyer of the Phlegrean Giants,
Purger of Evils, All-Victorious Queen,
Hear us, Oh Goddess, whenever we call to Thee,
Oh Much-Implored Mother of the Arts, Gray-Eyed Athena,
Give us peace and health,
Grant aid to thy votaries,
And send us necessary wealth and prosperity always.

To Demeter
Oh Universal Mother, August Source of Wealth, Many-Named Demeter,
Great Nurturer, All-Bounteous, Blessed and Divine, who loves peace,
You nourish the grain, Oh Goddess of seeds and fruits abundant, and bring the bountiful harvest,
Upon Your throne in Elusias, lovely, Delightful Queen whom all desire,
You gaze upon the lovers reveling in the temple.
You care for all mortals and taught them to make the plow and yoke the oxen.
You give to humans all that they want, and bring to them bliss.
In the flourishing fields, Oh Honorable Goddess, you lead the Bacchian revels bearing light,
Rejoicing in the flashing sickles.
Kind, pure, earthly, prolific, venerable,
Goddess of Light who loves Her only-begotten daughter,
Queen Persephone,
Your chariot is drawn by dragons, and You ride out to bring all the flowers and fruits and all green growing things.
Bright Goddess, come with Summer's rich increase, swelling with child,
Bring us peace and health and fairness, and grant to us a needful store of wealth.

To Hestia
Daughter of Gaia,
Venerable Guardian of the Unwearying Flame,
The ministers of the sacred rites are Thine, mystics much blessed and holy.
The Gods have fixed their dwelling place in Thee,
Strong, Stable basis of the mortal race,
Many-Formed, eternal, laughing, blessed,
Lovely Queen, ever Scarlet One,
Accept these rites, accord to each of us just desires, gentle health, and needful goodness.