Sanctuary of Persephone

Hellenic Polytheism

Hellenic Polytheism
Hymn's to Persephone
Other Gods I Follow
Orphic Hymn's
Hesiod & Homer


Hellenic Polytheism (Hellenic Reconstructionism) is a modern Pagan religious movement that bases its worship and cultic practices on the traditional, polytheistic religion of Ancient Greece.

Although Hellenic Reconstructionism accepts personal gnosis as a part of its spirituality, the predominant source of information comes from the works of Homer, Hesiod and other ancient writers. Ritual practices are taken from these authors and from modern academic research on this religion. Where modernization of some ritual elements is needed and understood, those elements are not presented as "ancient" fact. Combining unrelated cultural beliefs (as opposed to historical syncretism) with those of the Ancient Greeks is unacceptable.

While Greek Reconstructionism is an attempt to recreate traditional Hellenic worship, it is not an attempt to recreate Ancient Greek society.

Acropolis of Athens

Aerial view of Delos

Personal Devoations for the mordern Hellenismos is personal and as a result there is no system to follow for these Devoations although there is a general idea of how these devoations are done but still there isnt any strict rules to say you must do this and then that. This leaves the mordern Hellenismos a free hand to practice there devoations in a way which they feel best meets there needs.


The Ancient Greek people worshipped the gods in many different places thought the world and some of there sacred places are still visible today such as the Acropolis in Athens, Olympia and Dodona. But there also worshipped the gods in private at home and in many othere places.
Today because there is to real Hellenic community for the modern Hellenismos to live in and be part of most of devoations are done in private as the Hellenismos own altar or in a place where they feel at peace.